February 04, 2005

2cent$ on Social Security

Hey, everyone is doing it, so why not me?

In the latest presentation of Social Security reform, the president has offered a plan that ostensibly does nothing to solve the long-term "problems"(registration required) of the program.

Set aside for the moment the possibility that the program is working as it was intended.

So, the president yells "crisis", "bankruptcy" and "broken" and then proposes a plan that does nothing, in fact makes worse, the problem he says is there. How does that make sense? Simply adding private accounts will not a solvent system make. I don't see how anyone - republican, democrat, libertarian, independent - can support a plan that will cost an amazing amount of money to implement and do nothing to solve the alleged problems.

Something has to give. If we spend money to set up these private accounts, how is the governement going to make up for that revenue, not to mention the future loss of revenue through payroll taxes? Benefit cuts? Tax cap increase? Seriously, I want to know.

Why does the president and the administration really want to make this an issue? I don't believe they really intend to fix whatever problem they have convinced themselves there is. I think it is much simpler than that. They either want to get rid of it altogether or they want to lessen it's power as an issue for the democrats. They did it with Medicare and now they are even trying to do it with civil rights!

And yes, I am a cynic.


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