February 07, 2005

Embryo = Human Being

At least, according to a Cook County judge in Illinois, it is. I heard about this on NPR last week, but didn't get the full story. I almost forgot about it, but I am glad I didn't because this story needs to be noticed. Quite simply, this is SCARY. According to the story, the specific laws in Illinois are the basis for considering an embryo a human being, so it is doubtful that such a case will show up in many other states. But still, the precedent it sets is amazing. Hopefully, an appeals court will overrule this absurd case.

Update: Jesse over at Pandagon has a good post on this story as it relates to the cooling affect this ruling could have on IVF.


At February 10, 2005 at 1:17 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

Did you notice that the judge actually called the embryo a "pre-embryo?" What is a pre-embryo? So, are there two classifications, now? Both being "human," of course? What's next...if I am thinking about having a baby, and I don't, will I be convicted of killing my pre-pre-embryo? A little extreme but how scary things are getting.

At February 10, 2005 at 1:41 PM, Blogger Doug said...

Yeah, I noticed that. He used that term because since it was only a fertilized egg, he had to play up it's importance. An implanted fertilized egg = embryo, therefore non-implanted fertilized egg = pre-embryo.


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